12 Ways to Raise Your Vibration

On this day March 31, 2006, Margaret Harle, Molly Donovan and Auriel Bortolussi met in the evening at Levy Park to brainstorm about what to do about needing a new office for them to move their individual practices. That evening they created a vision, which by May 1, 2006, with two other Founding Mothers, Chris Lidvall and Gandhari Bouligny became A HEALING COLLECTIVE. In 2021, AHC is alive, recovering from the pandemic with new visions for its future. Happy 15th Anniversary AHC.
In her book The Healing of America Marianne Williamson says “…lack of conscious awareness is the cause of our problems, and conscious awareness is the source of our healing.” I think F. M. Alexander would agree wholeheartedly with her.
Human beings have the opportunity to be conscious of “how we do, what we do, when we do it” as many Alexander Technique teachers have stated. To be conscious of ourselves in a way that is beneficial to ourselves and others means we must become aware of our deeper habits of thought and movement. (Alexander said his work was psycho-physical in nature, with no division between the mind and body.) We most likely know a lot about ourselves, but when we meet a deeply held habit we often think it is the “truth” rather than a habit, when the truth of who we are is so much more and in a way also so much less.
Our deepest most profoundly held habits often seem unchangeable. This is because our habits are so ingrained in us. However, Alexander found that with patience we have the ability to stop a habit and move in a different and fuller way. We can connect to our primary coordination, the coordination with which we are born.
With lessons in the Alexander Technique we can become more aware of our habits and learn a simple and practical way of lessening their power over us. It is not a quick fix, but over time we can improve our overall coordination and freedom of movement, lessen or eliminate pain and regain clarity in our thinking.
Christine Lidvall
Internationally certified Alexander Technique Teacher
Do you know your ears contain points representing all parts of your body? If you have ever visited an acupuncturist, then you may have noticed that needles are often inserted on your ears rather than on the problem areas of your body.
Did you also know that you can massage your ears to facilitate healing and well being for any part of your body? You can also work on the reflex points on your hands and feet…however I find my ears are much easier to get to and easier to manipulate.
Ear massage can give you a tune-up for all the parts of your body.
It is a good idea to sit comfortably with your back braced against the back of your chair, feet flat on the floor and shoulder width apart. Sit up straight and relax. Take your time and do a thorough job of massaging your ears to get the most benefit from your session.
Last year I attended an annual conference on Interpersonal Neurobiology. It was filled with presentations that were enlightening, astounding, provocative, and…just plain fun.
Since the topic of the conference was play and creativity, and the theory is that the mind is not just in the brain but throughout the body, we had many chances to play and move in ways that were fun.
A highlight for me was a presentation by Steve Gross of the Life is Good Playmakers.
Steve’s title is Chief Playmaker, and his job is to teach kids to overcome poverty, violence and illness through regaining their sense of play. His presentation was right after an intense lecture on the brain by a prominent researcher. He made it his business to get us laughing and playing, and did a great job of it.
At the end of our playtime, he led us through a little guided imagery exercise that had a big effect on me.
It’s simple, so you might want to try it right now (or as soon as you can do a little pantomiming without your co-workers asking about your mental health):
Let yourself relax and feel childlike or playful for just a moment.
I was into this little game, thinking it was fun and playful and indulged the kid in me. Then I realized the elegance of the exercise…
Steve had just led us through several inhales and exhales, without resorting to the usual mantra of, “notice your breath, breathe in, breathe out.”
It got me thinking, how often do we make work out of what could just as easily be done as play?
Next time you take a deep breath, try smelling the flower and blowing the bubble. See if it makes you feel lighter!
Ange Finn
AAMET Accredited Certified Advanced EFT Practitioner
Emotional Freedom Techniques
The Healing Touch Mentor-ship Group.
The Mentorship Group is for level 4 students in the Healing Touch Certification program.
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Our visiting healer Gaye Abbot left this message on our whiteboard!
Gaye, we love having you here. She’ll be back! Check here or subscribe to our newsletter to get announcements of events and visiting healers.